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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ongoing Assignment: Critical Response Journal

For each lesson, I will ask you to write a critical response on your blog to one or more of the songs that we listened to in class. This response should include:
  • The name of the song and the performing artist.
  • Who wrote it (if different than the performer) and when.
  • A youtube video of the song.
  • A copy of the lyrics
  • Referring to 2 or 3 of the elements of music that we discussed in lesson one (Melody, Harmony, Rhythm, Meter, Tempo, Dynamics, Timbre, Instrumentation) comment on  how they are used in the piece.
  • In your own words, a summary of what the song is about (or what you THINK it’s about) and your thoughts and feelings about the song and what it means to you. This might include:
o   Have you heard this song before? Where/when?
o   Do you like it? Why or why not?
o   Is the song relevant to you and your life (can you relate to it)?

Your Choir Blog!

Your blog will include:

Your profile (with photo and About Me)     

Weekly responses to music that we have studied in class.

Assignments and projects

Instructions for starting your blog:

1. Open a Google account (if you don't already have one):
  • Go to Google on the internet and click on Sign-In
  • Click on sign-up for a new Google account
  • Go to create an account and fill in the information
2. Create a Blog using Blogger:
  • At Google at the top, click more and go to even more.
  • Click Blogger under Communicate, Show and Share.
  • Sign into Blogger with your Google Account
  • Create a blog, choose a template and start blogging.


Hello everyone, welcome to choir!

 Choir takes team work and cooperation, like the musical group above!!!

I look forward to working and  learning with you this year. In class, we will be learning choral music from a variety of genres as well as learning proper vocal techniques, some music theory, sight reading and ear training. The written portion of this course will all be online this year! You will be blogging, creating music videos and using Museum Box. On this blog, I will be sharing a variety of music and posting weekly assgnments. On your blogs,  you will be writing weekly responses to concepts and music that we have studied in class.