For each lesson, I will ask you to write a critical response on your blog to one or more of the songs that we listened to in class. This response should include:
- The name of the song and the performing artist.
- Who wrote it (if different than the performer) and when.
- A youtube video of the song.
- A copy of the lyrics
- Referring to 2 or 3 of the elements of music that we discussed in lesson one (Melody, Harmony, Rhythm, Meter, Tempo, Dynamics, Timbre, Instrumentation) comment on how they are used in the piece.
- In your own words, a summary of what the song is about (or what you THINK it’s about) and your thoughts and feelings about the song and what it means to you. This might include:
o Have you heard this song before? Where/when?
o Do you like it? Why or why not?
o Is the song relevant to you and your life (can you relate to it)?